What is new in Adobe Photoshop CC ( Creative Cloud )

Adobe launched new version of Adobe Photoshop (CC) Creative Cloud. As always Adobe Photoshop CC has included many useful tools which made ease and comfort for the Photographers, designers and digital painters. With Creative Cloud we have more freedom, speed and power to make incredible images in short time.

What is new in Adobe Photoshop CC:

There are many useful tools which are added into Creative Cloud. Which we can use directly. Just like,
  • All-new Smart Sharpen
  • Intelligent up sampling
  • Extended features included
  • Camera Raw 8 and layer support
  • Editable rounded rectangles
  • Multi-shape and path selection
  • Camera Shake Reduction
  • Expanded Smart Object support
  • Improved 3D painting

All-new Smart Sharpen:

All-new Smart Sharpen is the most advanced sharpening tool which is easily use to make image for beautiful and sharp. It analyzes images to maximize clarity and minimize noise and halos, and it lets you fine-tune for high-quality, natural-looking results.

Intelligent up sampling:

Intelligent up sampling is first time in digital world like Photoshop where we can Enlarge a low-res image so it looks great in print, or start with a larger image and blow it up to poster or billboard size. New up sampling preserves detail and sharpness without introducing noise.

Before, Creative Cloud Intelligent up sampling was challenging for the designers and specially for Photographers who required high resolution images from low resolution. And now with Creative Cloud we can easily creative our required result.

Extended features included

Photoshop include all the powerful image and video editing features you've come to expect — and it includes the advanced 3D editing and image analysis tools that were previously in Photoshop Extended. Photoshop with advanced development of technologies and softwares, they have thorough imagine the need and interest of Computer Graphic (CG) world. With increasing demand of 3D editing and 2D painting, Now we can directly add textures with more creative tool in Photoshop which is great success on the side of Photoshop.

Camera Raw 8 and layer support

Apply Camera Raw edits as a filter to any layer or file inside Photoshop, and then enhance them any way you want. And with new Camera Raw 8, you get more precise ways to heal images, fix perspective distortions, and create vignettes.

Editable rounded rectangles

The most favourite feature of the designers are rounded rectangles which is included in Photoshop CC. With the help of Editable rounded rectangles, we can resize shapes, edit them, and re-edit them — before or after they're created. Even edit individual corner radiuses in rounded rectangles. If a shape is bound for the web, export CSS data from the file to save time. Editable rounded rectangles definitely make designers comfortable.

Multi-shape and path selection

Get more done in fewer clicks by selecting multiple paths, shapes, and vector masks at once. Even in multilayered documents with lots of paths, you can easily target the path (and any layer) you want right on canvas using a new filter mode.

Camera Shake Reduction

It is great advantages for the Photographers which save the shots you thought were lost due to camera motion. Whether your blur was caused by slow shutter speed or a long focal length, Camera Shake Reduction analyzes its trajectory and helps restore sharpness. And that is what makes Photographers to capture the images and never lost it again.

Expanded Smart Object support

The most difficult situation is where we can't undo your original image or picture. But with the help of Expanded Smart Object, appling Blur Gallery and liquify effects will not effect on your original images. Your original file stays intact as you add blur effects or push, pull, pucker, or bloat the image or video. Edit or remove the effects at any time — even after saving your file.

Improved 3D painting

3D designing is one of most demanding features for the CG Designers. Therefore, Photoshop has the capability to preview live about 100x faster and more responsive when you are painting on 3D objects and textures. With the powerful Photoshop painting engine, you can make any 3D model look extraordinary.

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