Static Pages hack for blogger
What are Blogger static pages?
Hack for maximum static pages
For maximum number of static pages in blogger. There are some basic steps which you must follow. And we consider that your blog has minimum 20 static pages before starting.
- Click on Pages and click on Edit on the first page which you have created before.
- Now copy the URL on Address bar of your browser.
- Paste the URL which you have copied in any of your favourite text editor. later we use the URL.
- This step is confusing because you have to delete the Page which your have copied the URL. But don't worry because the page will temporary disappears. And that is what we want.
- As, we have allow just 20 pages to create in blogger but we have deleted one page. Therefore, we have 19 pages. It means we can create on more page.
- Create new page. Since in data base of blogger, the page we have deleted, it had different page ID. Therefore, creating new page will have new ID which will consider in blogger data base page number 21. And we use that advantages for this hack.
- Now open new browser and paste the copied URL. The deleted page will appear and your just need to click on publish button.
Now we have 21 static pages and you can follow same procedure for creating more static pages.
Good post….Found much impressive. Waiting to read more posts ahead.
NordfxPakistan @ Thank you for you kind words.